

Your past always catches up with you. I mean this is simply an FYI kinda thing. If you have something from your past that is unresolved better believe that it will one day rear it's ugly, pretty, sexy, smart, annoying, murderous etc head.

No matter how hard you try to live past something it may not stay away. One day when you are in the kitchen cutting vegetables, or driving down the road, or working out at the gym it may very well return. Then you'll have to deal with it. Let's face it...even if you chose not to deal with it you have decided how it will be dealt with for ignoring is an action. So is it better to sink your teeth into it and handle the situation? I mean either way it's back...like poltergeist there it is. Suddenly the ball is in your court and you were simply living your life...minding your own neck.

What if you can't ignore it? What if the idea that it is back is enough to make you say, "Hmm maybe there is something to be handled here after all". Now you're dealing with dealing with what's back and how you feel about it all at once...wtf?

If feelings live on and if people never do go away entirely and if cold cases can be solved then, I can't help but wonder what happens if the past doesn't stay that way? (shout outs to SJP and Bushell)


Tia's Real Talk said...

Yeah I hear you. Just like the 70s-80's repeat...so does the past. Sometings do need to be handled. A lesson unlearned is a lesson retaught. but remember..the past is the past for a reason..let it stay there!

Cassia L Rainne said...

That is so true...we must know our past to discover our future...Sankofa.
But there has to be a line. I suppose the true question is whether or not to fly over it.