
McSame and Falin Insult Me...

McCain Insults Clinton Supporters

I absolutely adore the article linked above. Hit it up then read below:

Since the moment that McCain's choice was made I've been blasting blogs and tellin' em why I'm mad on air (www.900amwurd.com Weds 9-10pm), I'm not sure if all women are getting it and that terrifies me...

I agree 110% that McCain, Obama, and Clinton each faced their own set of challenges during this long process. Still society is what it is and I expected no less, after all McCain is old, Obama is black and Clinton is indeed a woman. Sadly not all Americans are grown up enough to see them as politicians and weigh their issues ignoring age, skin and gender but, I'm off topic a bit...What really gets me is that now Palin is attempting to ride Clinton's shirt tails and throw jabs at Obama. She better hold on tight...it's gonna be a bumpy ride.

Palin is no Clinton. Plain and simple. Yes, she's a woman and is successful in her own right; it was tough, I'm sure to be an almost beauty queen(she didn't win. She was beat by the 1st African American to ever win the title of Ms Alaska...Foreshadowing perhaps?), be married, take 6 years and attend 4 or more colleges to complete a bachelor's degree in I'm not sure what, have 5 children, be a grandmother before 45, to be PTA President, a Hockey Mom, City Councilwoman, Mayor of a small town, Governor of a state, in which she supported their session from the country she now purports to have the ability to be 2nd in command of...riigghhtt.

Palin is ready to change a diaper, go fishing, and govern her state but she is not near ready to lead me anywhere or in anything. I feel no source of certainty that she could handle answering that phone at 3 am if she had to; which at this time is a very likely situation.
This country is now in conflict with Russia, has troops dropping like flies in the Middle East (whether the surge has been successful or not is not the point here, a death is a death), people have no health care but illness and disease are increasing, people are losing houses, and jobs (6.1% unemployment rate!!), AND losing limbs trying to get a tank of gas and GOP is begging (it's what they all do) me to believe in their twisted version of a historical election?

They want me to vote for a man who at his age would be the first to ever bid, run, win, and be sworn in as president; along side someone who, as most people recognize has less experience than the guy they're trying to beat...Really?

I am a Democrat (always have been, likely always will be...not party switching unlike Lieberman...WTF was that by the way?) and either Clinton or Obama could've had my vote during the primaries but I elected for Change.(In large part due to his health care policies and not just because he looks like me) On Nov. 4th I will elect Change happily in voting a second time for Obama. McCain has not spoken to me as a female by picking Palin. They both insult me, they insult Clinton and her 18 million cracks and Democrats across the board. Now don't get me wrong I don't LOVE Clinton...but she surpasses Palin.

Palin and Clinton have few things in common...they don't agree on abortion, the war, health care, gas prices, the economy, taxes or mortgages...things that matter to me. They are women, and mothers...that's it and it isn't enough for my vote. McCain must think me a fool.

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