
The 5 Things I've Done Since Finishing My MFA

        I now realize just how time consuming working on my MFA was now that I am no longer working on it. Suddenly I have hours upon hours of time to fill up. I have to fill the time because I cannot tolerate just sitting still anymore. No, that is out of the question. So here are the 5 things I have done to keep myself busy. In no real order...

5.     Pandora it is the other half of my brain (I forgot that I can sing my ass off too). Now that I can read or write at my leisure I have been playing my station steadily. The station is based off of "The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill" (Where the hell is she by the way?!? Lauryn, get in the studio! Please!!). I am amazed at the catalog of my music knowledge, and not just a song here or there. I am saying that within the first 16 bars I know whose song it is. Within the first 32 bars I recall the back round vocals, the chorus, and the dances from the video. I find myself dancing more in my seat more often than not and it is a heavenly change. Heavenly, considering that I was hitting my head to the keyboard attempting to finish a thesis just 2 months ago. Heavenly, to have a head full of lyrics.

4.     Blogging, obviously. I used to do this, and on a fairly consistent basis. Once I had the requirements of school and life it was impossible for me to do it. I just didn't have the head space. Now that I have picked it up again, I can say that my old posts suck. So essentially I spent several thousand dollars so that I could become a better blogger. Niice.

3.     Yoga! I had absolutely no time to center myself nor did I take time aline my chakras. I missed twisting myself into near impossible poses while breathing like the ocean (yes it breathes) and trying to blink sweat out of my eyes. I missed using super sized rubber bands and straps to hold poses on mats, blankets, and bricks (yoga or porno...hmmm)Yes...I did miss it, no sarcasm. Yoga is cleansing and strengthening, makes me too happy.

2.     Avoiding my family. They think because I'm no longer in school I am available to do their bidding. I hid whenever I can, and leave they are as soon as possible. I have a level of sanity now that I'd rather not lose if I can avoid it.

1.     Working on all the projects that have been calling out to me since I started school. I was roughly 1/2 way through my creative thesis (a novel) when I realized that I would much rather work on screenplays, films, and acting.Fairly inconvenient timing on the part of my creative self. I directed two episodes of my friend's webseries, Flour. Both are set to be featured at the LA Webseries Festival this March. (Flour is on the list!).

There are the 5 things that I have used to fill up my time. Still writing, remembering how to sing and center, and discovering even more about myself. I think that's time well spent.

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