
Writing, Revising, Creating...is a Must and with Friends it's Sweeter...Cloudiness Permitting

Writing is something that stops me from going over the edge. The ability to create...

I was going for something deeper today. The meaning of writing, its way of keeping me sane but I'm going to be honest... My mind is far too cloudy. Cloudy with finances, jobs, relationship silliness and life. There are days I want to write, wait EVERY DAY I want to write (or just revise as previously stated). I feel the need to move my fingers swiftly over my keyboard and make these little black symbols fly up onto the screen. It's a bit overwhelming when I have a day like today when I want to write, but can't quite get myself to do it. Or to do it properly. Blogging is one way. It can (hopefully) keep my mind fresh, my fingers moving, and it allows me to do things like tag other writers who I respect, so I'll write about that.

I consider writer friends of mine...dear hearts with whom I have shared many a laugh, a word, and a glass of wine...Different genres, different people, yet they are all like me, just trying to keep work out there while writing amid the cloudy fog that is life.

Brianna whose writing makes my mind roll over, stretch, yawn and welcome the dawn of writing on another level altogether. Nothing is about what is written, but is fueled by what was meant.

Bill who is more than a writer. He is a creator of vivid images. There is no paintbrush involved. Only words. I read his work, and I can chew the gravel in between my teeth, feel the mud between my toes, I hear the bombs.

Lizz she is much loved by me. I am astounded by her mind and her abilities. Mostly her ability to persevere.  Her writings reflect much of this, and demands respect...projects clarity.

Michelle at first glance she is that sweet mom whose hugs you can't wait for, but her writing frequently explores the polar opposite. A dark vein runs beneath that sweetness, and that's what you want to tap into.

We all feel this burning desire to write and write properly. (define properly) Secretly, fervently, perhaps in a state of unconscious consciousness we desire to be noticed, to be praised, and understood. We write of what's been, what we know, and what we knew, what we felt, how we feel and what we hope. We have written because it was instructed, we have written because there is no other way for us to exist.

I wouldn't want to exist without writing. I couldn't. It keeps me whole and sane. For me there is a hint of rebirth with each keystroke. What was troubling me, isn't. What made me sad, feels much further away from me than it was just 15 minutes ago. In fact, I feel the cloudiness a tad lifted because of this time spent tickling my keyboard.

Sometimes I just have to force myself to create through that cloudy fog and be reborn again. They do, my aforementioned friends, and I will as well...and not because of them, or in spite of them, but blissfully with them.

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